Health & Safety Updates - OPCO SG
Health & Safety Updates

July 1, 2020

Letter to Customers regarding COVID-19 and our operations:

RE: COVID-19 – Business Operations Update

Dear Valued Customer:

As the world and our country continue to manage through these extraordinary times, we hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. Our thoughts are with those who have personally been impacted by the coronavirus. As restrictions in Michigan are slowly being lifted, I wanted to update you on the status of our business operations.

In this constantly evolving environment, we remain committed to meeting the needs of our customers by continuing to supply you with our products and services. Our utmost priority remains the health and safety of our employees, customers, vendors and communities. We are closely monitoring the situation and relying on guidance of experts, including the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and OSHA. To ensure our facilities remain a safe place to work, we continue our enhanced cleaning, sanitization and social distancing efforts. As our team members slowly start providing necessary service again at your facilities, we will work with each of you to fully understand and respect the procedures you have put in place to protect your employees.

In situations where we may still be unable to facilitate an in-person meeting, please know Technical Assistance is available by phone. Our manuals and brochures are available by email. Please call our office at (231) 924-6160 and we can direct your call.

As a vital supplier to numerous customers across several critical infrastructure industries, including, but not limited to, medical, food, defense and technology, we continue to make every effort to maintain our normal manufacturing and shipping schedule. If issues arise that may adversely affect your order in any way, we will communicate with you directly. We fully understand the crucial part we play in your business continuity.

We appreciate your business while we all work through the challenges caused by the global pandemic. We are committed to getting you the products you need. Please stay safe and we know we will manage through this together.


Patrick A. Brown

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July 1, 2020: COVID-19 Business Operations UpdateLearn More
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